triple s built llc
Thad Adams: (208) 681-7378
Triple S Built Stabilizer
Simply "Safe Steering" for Drivers.
About Us
It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. This is true with Triple S Built. Co-owner, Mike Benson noticed his semi truck was chewing up tires. His old Ford pickup had a stabilizer on it, and figured that something like that would help with his semi truck. So he designed and built it.
Mike wanted to measure the effectiveness of his new stabilizer, so he had local tire guys measure the wear of his tires. 20k miles after he put the stabilizer on, there was no irregular wear on the tire.
Bridgestone set him up with a new set of tires to trial with the new stabilizer, and after 120k miles, they were still smooth, with normal wear. Mike also noticed that as he drove the rough, winding roads in southern utah, that his semi truck handled better. He didn't have to fight to keep his truck on the road. The stabilizer not only helped with tire wear, but increased safety and stability.
Recently, co-owner Thad Adams, of Blackfoot, Idaho was driving down the road, fighting to keep his semi on the road. He knew there had to be a solution to the poor steering on the truck, and through mutual acquaintances, he was introduced to Mike, who got him set up with his very own Steering Stabilizer. Thad went from white knuckle driving down the road, to one hand steering. He was incredibly impressed with the stabilizer.
Thad and Mike partnered up, and they decided that they wanted everyone to be able to have the safety, control, stability, and money saving benefits of the Steering Stabilizer. So Triple S Built was established and now you have the opportunity to get a safer, more comfortable ride in your big rig!

"We have family and friends on the road, and if we can help them to be a little safer, and keep some money in their pockets, that is what we want to do!" - Thad Adams